The Battle Between External Cloud Providers and Internal IT Departments

Nowadays, when business units require computing resources for their new software application, they have a choice between using an external provider or using the company’s internal IT department. Gone are the days when they solely rely on the IT department to provide them with compute and storage resources. Business units are now empowered because of the growing reliability and ubiquity of external cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Services provided by external providers are generally easy to use and fast to provision. As long as you have a credit card, a Windows or Linux server can be running within a few hours, if not minutes. Compare that to internal IT departments which usually take days, if not weeks, to spin-up one. Large companies especially have to follow a bureaucratic procedure that takes weeks to complete.

Because of this, business units who are under the pressure to provide the application or service to the end users end up using external providers. This is the fast growing “shadow IT.” More often than not, IT departments do not know about this, until they are called to troubleshoot issues, such as to fix a slow network connection or to restore data after a security breach or data loss.

Using external providers can be good for the company. They have their merits such as fast provisioning and ability to quickly scale up, but they also have their limitations. Security, vendor lock-in, integration with on-premise applications and databases are some of the concerns. Some of these business units do not know the implication on the company’s network which may impact users during normal business hours. Some of them do not consider backup and disaster recovery. For regulated companies, compliance and data protection are important. They should be able to tell the auditors where the data resides and replicates. Also, as you scale up the use of compute and storage, it gets more costly.

External cloud providers are here to stay and their innovation and services will get better and better. The future as I foresee it will be a hybrid model – a combination of external providers and internal IT providers. The key for companies is to provide guidelines and policies on when to use external provider vs internal IT. For instance, a proof of concept application may be well suited to an external cloud because it is fast to provision. An application that is used only by a few users and does not need any integration with existing application is another one. Applications that integrates with the company’s internal SAP system, on the other hand, is well suited for internal cloud. These policies must be well communicated to business units.

For IT departments, they must be able to provide a good level of service to the business, streamline the process of provisioning, adapt technologies that are able to respond to the business quickly, and provide an internal cloud services that matches the services offered by external providers. This way, business units will be forced to use internal IT instead of external providers.

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